School Uniform

We are proud of the St. Anne’s school uniform and expect a high standard of personal appearance of all students. Full school uniform must be worn to and from the school. 
Any persistent breach of the stated school dress code should be referred to the relevant Achievement Leader. Denim, leather or fashion jackets are not permitted. All items of uniform should be named.

Hair styles must be appropriate for school and in keeping with our Halo Code. Natural Hair colours are permitted. Extreme styles including shaved areas or patters are not allowed. Hair extensions/braids are allowed in colours approved under the Halo Code Agreement and further guidance has been given to all students. 

Headscarves and hair wraps should only be worn for protective and religious purposes, and not as a fashion statement.
They need to be plain black, navy or burgundy to be in line with the school dress code. 

Make-up is not allowed, so students will be told to remove any make-up in school. 

Nails: Nail Varnish and false/artificial or acrylic nails are not allowed for Heath and Safey reasons.

Jewellery: In the interests of safety, students may wear a watch, their confirmation cross necklace and one pair of small, plain round gold/silver studs (in the lower ear lobe) which must be small enough to pass through a punched hole. No crystal or diamanté earrings are permitted. No other jewellery including upper ear, nose, lip, body jewellery or tongue stud is permitted. Plasters cannot be worn to conceal jewellery.

    This should be worn at all times around the school and on the journey to and from school.
    White revere collared shirt with the official school logo tucked into the waist of the kilt.
  • KILT 
    Must be worn to an acceptable length (on the knee) and never rolled up.
    Navy St. Anne’s embroidered trousers may be worn – only available from our Uniform Suppliers.
    Must be worn with Navy/Black socks.
    Navy V Neck Jumper or Cardigan with school logo can be worn.
    Navy or Black up to the knee socks (not over the knee or ankle). Navy or Black Tights.
    No combination of socks and tights together. 
    Low-heeled plain black. No boots, or boot-like styles. Canvas or trainers are also not allowed.
  • PE KIT
    This is the school uniform worn on days when students have timetabled or extra-curricular P.E.
    Students must adhere to the school dress code for PE as for normal school uniform.

Compulsory items:

  • St. Anne’s polo shirt with logo *
  • St. Anne’s shorts * or skort with logo *
  • Long plain red football socks: worn with shorts / skort in Autumn / Spring
  • Short plain white sports socks: worn with St. Anne’s joggers / St. Anne’s leggings, and with shorts / skort in Summer term.
  • Lace up sports trainers. (No Vans, Converse, plimsolls or high tops)

Students need to consider dressing appropriately for travelling to and from school as well as for comfort in their other lessons on their P.E days. We strongly recommend that students have access to warm layers as most lessons take place outdoors. These are the ONLY items of P.E uniform that can be worn. Students do not need all of these items. We have updated our range to provide student choice.

  • St. Anne’s joggers with logo *
  • St. Anne’s tracksuit top with logo *
  • St. Anne’s sports leggings*
  • St. Anne’s rain-jacket with logo*
  • Note that students can wear plain black or navy base layers underneath their shorts / skort / polo shirt, but not instead of.


All items marked * must be obtained from our suppliers with our school logo. 

Note that students must remove all jewellery when participating in all physical activity, including earrings.


Students are not permitted to use a Mobile phones during school hours or whilst on school premises, either inside the school building or in any outside area on school grounds. Students should not be using a mobile phone as they approach the school entrance and all mobile phones should be switched off as soon as they arrive at the school gate, before entering the school grounds. 

If a student is found using a mobile phone at any time it will be confiscated and will be passed onto your Achievement Leader. In the first instance, an SMD will be set, parents will be notified, and will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.
In the second instance, students will receive an Internal Suspension and the phone will be retuned once a parent has come into school to collect it.  Any further incident will result in a Fixed Term Exclusion. 

There may be times, however, when a teacher might allow a student/s to use a phone in their lesson for educational purposes.  This is the only situation when they can be turned on and used it in school.  At all other times phones must be turned off and in blazer zip pocket.  Students must always take responsibility for their own possessions which includes not leaving a blazer unattended.   


Tablets or any other electrical equipment is forbidden in school and will be confiscated and a Senior Management Detention will be set.

All coats, scarves and gloves must be removed when inside the school building.


Smiths Schoolwear
155-157 Lancaster Road,
Enfield, EN2 0JN
Tel: 020 8363 2424

St. Anne's Uniform List - 2022

Uniform4Kids School Shop
242 Hertford Rd,
Enfield, EN3 5BL
Tel: 020 8804 3627

St. Anne's Uniform List - 2022