

Subject Leader: Mr. A. Sikuade

Subject Teachers: Ms. S. Fatima
                                  Mrs. J. Done
                                  Ms. C. Lindo


The course intends to develop skills from the study of the local environment as well as the wider physical and human environment. There is a greater focus on developing independent research and investigation skills with opportunities for ICT use. The Geography Department strives to ensure that pupils studying Geography will develop the following aspects to their learning:

  • To recognise the value of the subject within the work place.
  • To find geography a challenging and relevant subject that they may wish to continue its study at Ks4, Ks5 and higher education.
  • To appreciate and develop empathy with other cultures and people with differing values.
  • To help develop skills for the 21st Century workplace.


Geography is taught in modules lasting a full Term. There are 3 modules taught in each year group. The modules have been updated to take into account the new curriculum changes for September 2014. In Year 9 students will begin covering GCSE modules.


1. An Introduction to Geography

  • Map skills
  • A Sense of Place

2. Natural world shaping the landscape

  • Rivers (including the water cycle)
  • Glaciation
  • Coasts

3. Human world shaping the landscape

  • Population
  • Urbanisation


  1. Development: Includes studying a region in Africa and Asia
  2. World of Work: Developing an understanding of economic activity
  3. Consuming Resources: Developing an appreciation of the issues related to the overconsumption of the World resources


  1. Restless Earth: Studying the causes, impacts and management of earthquakes and volcanoes
  2. Climate and Change: Studying the causes and impacts of climate change
  3. Extreme Environments: A study of life in polar and hot arid environments


This is a two-year course that follows the Edexcel B specification. Students are assessed over 4 Units of work one of which involves a controlled assessment task. All examinations will take place at the end of Year 11 as will the submission of the controlled assessment.

YEAR 10 AND 11

Unit UNIT Name Course weighting Year of study
1 Global Geographical Issues 33% 10
2 UK Geographical Issues 33% 10/11
3 People and Environment Issues 33% 11

Please click here to see the Specification. GCSE Geography Subject Information Sheet



The Department plans for students to visit the Epping Forest to carry out fieldwork investigations regarding a local river.

There is also a whole School visit to Iceland in October 2022 that compliments students class studies on volcanic environments.