Faith in Action

Fundamental to our school is Christ’s teaching to ‘love your neighbour’ and is reflected in our school motto Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8). Therefore, as a school we take seriously our duty to challenge injustice and support those in need, and we strive to help students understand their responsibilities towards others in the local community as well as to those in the wider and global communities. Many opportunities are provided to enable students and the whole school community to put faith into action and the response is always willing and generous.

As a school we respond to crisis as well as supporting the long term development work of charities such as CAFOD. For example through our 'Soup and Roll’ Fridays during Lent we have the opportunity to pray, fast and give to others, raising money for the Catholic Children's Society Westminster. 

We also emphasise that serving others is not limited to raising money, and therefore we offer IT-Skills courses to older people, visit care homes and host Tea Parties for senior citizens.

Community Outreach

We have a long-standing tradition at Christmas where everyone in our school contributes to making Hampers for local families. Christmas 2024 saw us create 39 Hampers.

We continue to work in partnership with Mrs T Hanna, Director of Exodus Youth Worx UK and support local families through food deliveries, and Food Community Hubs which take place during the school holidays.  Our outreach team, made up of students across the school, staff and local volunteers, organise, set up and run these days. 

‘Love in Action’ Volunteering Award

In September 2022, we were nominated for a Diocese of Westminster ‘Love in Action’ Volunteering Award, for our charitable community outreach work. We were selected as finalists by the panel for the School Social Action Award and were invited to the awards evening at Westminster Cathedral Hall. We were named runners-up and were presented with a certificate by Cardinal Vincent Nichols on Thursday 17th November 2022. Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic we have been working with Exodus Youth Worx UK, a local charity, to deliver food hampers to families in need, and we are proud to still be continuing this work. The judges of the awards recognised that as a team we had gone above and beyond to support those most in need.

IT-Exchange Project

Our annual a digital inclusion project, run in conjunction with the charity Generation Exchange, sees Year 12 students working 1:1 with older people to help them improve their IT skills. Over the past 4 years the charity has recruited over 100 Year 12s from the school. In fact as a school, we have been working with Leonie Eisenberg who runs the project, for over 14 years on similar projects when she was working at Age UK Enfield. 

During the pandemic we moved to a virtual edition of the IT Exchange project, hosting sessions via Teams. Students planned and delivered presentations to older people aged 60+ on a variety of IT topics including how to set up a zoom account, installing apps and online shopping.

Spring 2024: We were able to host this year's project in person, and had 24 older people on the course, attending weekly sessions in school. It is not only a learning experience for the older learners, but a rewarding opportunity for our Year 12 volunteers, who were able to learn and share much more than just IT with their partners. It was fantastic to have this back in school and look forward to next year's course.