
Subject Leader: Ms. C. Duarte

Subject Teachers: Mr. D. Delaney
                                  Mr. L. Osemwengie

The computing curriculum offers pupils a high-quality education, enabling them to use their creativity and computational thinking to understand and ‘change the world.’


The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils will be taught the principles of information and computation and how digital systems work. Pupils will learn a number of programming languages and will use information technology to create programs and computer systems using a range of content. The Computing curriculum will ensure that pupils become digitally literate, pupils will be able to use and develop their ideas through information and communication technology at a level suitable for the future workplace, and they will be able to be active participants in the digital world.

In KS3 pupils have one Computing lesson per week, taught in mixed ability groups. Pupils will learn a range of topics, such as:

Online Safety Computer Software Computer Networks
Computer Hardware Programming: HTML and Java Script Programming: Python
Binary Conversion Website Development Creation of Digital Media
Programming: Scratch Database Development Algorithms and Programming 
Spreadsheet Development Data Representation Computing Issues and Impact


The KS4 GCSE Computer Science qualification aims to enable pupils to:

  • Develop their understanding of current and emerging technologies and how they work
  • Analyse and use algorithms in computer programs
  • Acquire and apply creative and technical skills, knowledge and understanding of Information Technology in a range of contexts
  • Develop computer programs to solve problems
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of computer programs, the solution and the impact of computer technology in society
  • Understand how changes in technology affect their safety, including online privacy and ways to identify and report concerns

The students will follow the Edexcel GCSE Computer Science syllabus. The course comprises two examination units, which are worth a total of 50% each: 

  • Unit 1: Principles of Computer Science
  • Unit 2: Application of Computational Thinking

Computer Science Subject Information Sheet

KS4 Creative iMedia

The KS4 ICT (Certificate in Creative iMedia) qualification aims to enable pupils to:

  • acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to design and make, effective digital products
  • use digital tools as a means of expression to inform, persuade and entertain
  • promote creativity and develop their independent learning skills
  • reflect and review on what they produce and strive for excellence
  • acquire professional, real-world skills in research, planning, project management, working with others and communicating creative concepts effectively
  • attain essential knowledge, understanding and skills they need to support future learning and exploit the creative digital media sector

Students will follow the OCR Level 2 Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia

Creative iMedia Subject Information Sheet



The KS5 BTEC IT qualification aims to enable pupils to:

  • Develop a common core of IT knowledge and study areas such as managing and processing data to support business and using IT to communicate and share information. 
  • Increase your awareness of the relationships between hardware and software that forn an IT system.

For more information about the BTEC IT course, click here.