Prayer & Worship

Through our programme of prayer and worship we regularly come together as a school community to pray and give thanks to God. 

As a Catholic School, our collective worship reflects the Church’s calendar both in our programme of assemblies and in our liturgies. We recognise the importance of faith in our lives and our collective worship creates inclusive opportunities for us to gather, to engage, to respond and to be ‘sent’, to put our responses, our reflection and our learning into practice on a daily basis.

Our caring ethos, and the values we place on the development of the whole person – spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually – are revealed in the way we listen and speak to one another as well as how we treat each other.

Below you will find some examples of the opportunities we provide for prayer and worship at St. Anne’s:

  • Masses at the start and end of each year and term, as well as feast days and solemn Masses such as All Saints' Day and Ash Wednesday
  • Praying as a Form group at the start of each day in form time and in RE lessons
  • Whole school assemblies
  • Services of Reconciliation
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Lunch Time Services: Holy Month of Souls, May - Month of the Rosary
  • Small groups in the chapel
  • Memorial services for bereaved students and staff